An alumnus of Crawfordsville High School, who wishes to remain anonymous, recently established a scholarship fund at the MCCF. This proud Athenian and his wife desire to reward ambitious students who have a true financial need. This scholarship is not necessarily for the top students and is available to those students attending a vocational path as well. These donors have set aside matching funds and issued a challenge to all alumni of CHS. Their goal is to raise $300,000 for a significant endowment that will benefit future CHS graduates forever.
You may give a gift in honor of a former teacher or coach, or in memory of a former classmate, teacher, etc. For your convenience you can donate online by simply clicking on the Donate tab and choosing CHS Athenian Scholarship Fund from the fund drop down menu. You may also send your donation to: MCCF, PO Box 334, Crawfordsville, IN 47933. In the donor’s words: Please join us in making a powerful statement to future generations of Athenians. Let them know their graduation from CHS makes them a part of a caring and unique group of people who are willing to support their efforts to achieve great things in life.