All Funds


The Abilities Services, Inc. Fund
To provide support to Abilities Services, Inc.

The Harriet Taylor Allen Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Crawfordsville High School

The  William M. and Louise O. Allen Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to Montgomery County students with financial need

The Chuck and Jocelyn Anderson Fund
To provide support to Darlington Forever Inc for the Darlington Community Center

The Art League Fund
To provide scholarships to students with artistic ability

The Arvin-McCord Scholarship Fund
To provide a four-year scholarship to a student planning to become an elementary school teacher

The Kenneth and Patricia Bane Fund
To provide support to the North Montgomery FFA

The Heather Barajas Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Rose Mary Duncan Barragree Fund
To provide support to Cats Limited in Montgomery County

The Linda Beshaw Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide support to the Sunshine Society of Crawfordsville High School for the Linda Beshaw Memorial Scholarship

The Bethel AME Heritage Fund
To provide support to the Bethel AME church

The Missie Bickel No Hill for a Climber Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Bokhart Family Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Phil and Farzaneh Boots Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Samuel L. and Eva Fern Boots Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Preston and Anne Bost Early Childhood Education Fund
To provide support for early childhood (ages 0-5) education programs and services with a focus on and commitment to high quality care

The Edith Botts Scholarship Fund
To provide renewable scholarships to women in Montgomery County majoring in nursing or a medically related field

The Brian Bowman Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship to students pursuing a degree in a medical related field

The Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County Fund
To provide support to the Boys and Girls Club

The Luella Brake Trust Fund
To benefit of the blind and visually impaired of Montgomery County and the prevention of blindness

The Walter C. Bridgewater Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Seniors at North Montgomery High School and Crawfordsville High School

The Rodney Britton Scholarship Fund by Howard and Maxine Cook
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students attending a two-year vocational school

The Dr. Robert E. Brower Educational Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for North Montgomery high school graduates pursuing a degree in education, or are a first generation college student

The Marie Canine Fund
To benefit the revitalization of downtown Crawfordsville

The Camp Rotary Fund
To provide support to Montgomery County Youth Camps, Inc.

The Dr. Mark and Barbara Caress Education Fund
To benefit the Montgomery County Educational Foundation

The Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County Fund
To benefit the Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County

The Harold and Linda Carpenter Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Chase Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Richard F. and Elaine S. Chase Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The James and Linda Cherry Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Christian Nursing Service Fund
To benefit Christian Nursing Service

The Christmas Lights Fund
To provide prizes and awards annually for the best exterior Christmas displays in Montgomery County

The CHS Athenian Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Crawfordsville High School

The Fred L. and Ina Clark Scholarship Fund
To provide renewable four-year scholarships to graduating seniors of Montgomery County High Schools

The Community Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Community House for Women and Girls Fund
To provide educational grants to Crawfordsville High School women who have a financial need

The Pauline Conover Fund
To provide four-year renewable scholarships to seniors of Montgomery County High Schools

The Cornerstone Fund
Provides general support for the Montgomery County Community Foundation

The Tony and Cindy Cosenza Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Dorothy & Kenneth Coudret Fund
To benefit the Montgomery County Educational Foundation

The Hank and Nancy Coyle Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Crawfordsville Housing Authority Fund
To provide support for low income housing

The Crawfordsville Main Street Fund
To provide support to the Crawfordsville Main Street Program, Inc

The Thomas and Delores Crews Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The John and Betty Culley Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community


The Darlington Forever Fund
To provide support to Darlington Forever, Inc.

The Dr. Fred and Elizabeth Daugherty Trust Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The Marilyn J. Davidson Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for female graduates of Southmont or Crawfordsville High School and pursuing a degree in Education

The Sibyl V. Davis Memorial Endowment Fund
A gift from Herman Davis in memory of his beloved wife of seventy-three years for the benefit of Historic Ladoga

The Irwin Lee Detchon Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Margaret Evans DeVore Memorial Fund
To provide support to the Crawfordsville, Indiana, Chapter of the Tri Kappa Sorority to carry out its role of awarding scholarships

The Ron and Trudy Dickerson Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Herman Dicks Fund
To provide financial assistance to Montgomery County residents age 65 and older

The Directors Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Maude Dockins Trust Fund
To provide educational opportunities to physically or mentally handicapped Montgomery County children

The Dr. William and Nancy Doemel Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The William, Nancy and Christopher Doemel Organ Maintenance Fund for Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church
To provide support to the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church for maintenance on the organ when major repairs are needed

The Durham Home High School Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to Montgomery County female high school graduates

The Durham Home Inc. Scholarship Fund in Honor of Shirley O’Neall
To provide scholarships for women who demonstrate financial need; do not have to be enrolled full-time

The Dusk to Dawn Bereavement Fund
To provide support to Dusk to Dawn Bereavement Services Inc

The Raelyn Earley Memorial Softball Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship for a North Montgomery High School senior who is a member of the girls’ softball team

The William H. Earley Trust Scholarship Fund
To provide an educational scholarship for a student from the South Montgomery school district

The Ron Eden Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The Earl F. and Ruby B. Elliott Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The Leland and Dolores Epperson & Family Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The Madonna Everhart and Betty Howard Nursing Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to Southmont High School students majoring in nursing

The Faith Alliance Fund
To provide mammography and health related breast care services

The Bob and Bill Fell Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Scott and Wendy Feller Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The FISH of Montgomery County/FISH Food Pantry Fund
The FISH of Montgomery County / FISH Food Pantry Fund benefits FISH of Montgomery County which operates the food pantry, linen closet and clothing closet to assist Montgomery County residents in need

The Fisher Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students

The  DeVon W. and Mary Jane Flaningam Fund
To provide support for the Boys and Girls Club, Youth Service Bureau, and Veterans

The JP, Margaret and Judy Flint Fund
To provide support to the Darlington Community Center

The Barbara and Larry Frye Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Nancy Gibson Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduates of North Montgomery High School pursuing a degree in education

The Frances E. Gray Family Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to high school students who are residents of Montgomery County

The Larry and Susan Griffith Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

Jack and Joyce Grimble Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The David and Sheridan Hadley Health and Wellness Fund
To provide support for nonprofit organizations promoting health and wellness, fitness, and recreational activities within Montgomery County

The M. Gaildene and Stan Hamilton Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community, will also provide support to the Gaildene Hamilton Youth Philanthropy Contest

The Darlene Harmon Early Childhood Education Fund
To provide support for early childhood education needs in Montgomery County

The Thomas and Mary Beth Harmon Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Jim and Bev Harpel Basketball Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for a male or female Montgomery County varsity basketball player

The Mary Lynn and Terry Harris Fund
To provide support to South Montgomery School Corporation to benefit their preschool program

Virginia H. Hays and Will H. Hays Jr. Fund
To provide support to the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association to be used in the area of patient care for Montgomery County residents

The Carl F. and Margaret Henthorn Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Rex and Sandra Henthorn Fund
A donor advised fund to benefit Montgomery County

The Peggy Herzog Youth Volunteer Fund
To provide support to a Montgomery County organization that nominates the Youth Volunteer of the Year recipient

The Keith Hester Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to a Southmont high school graduate attending Purdue University and pursuing a study in Agriculture

The Roger and Judy Hildebrand Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Michael D. and Sally A. Hinkle Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The Dennis and Dee Hohlbein Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County Community

The Hoosier Heartland State Bank Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Larry D. Servies and Wanda R. Hopkins Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Connie Horner Fund
To benefit Christian Nursing Service

The Ian Geoffrey Hudson Memorial Fund
To provide support to assist disabled Montgomery County children and their families

The Ora Hudson Trust Fund
To benefit the American Lung Association, the Christian Nursing Service, Well Baby Clinic, and an organization serving children and youth in need

The John and Roberta Hudson Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Walter Hulet Fund
To provide for charitable and benevolent purposes throughout the city of Crawfordsville and Montgomery County, Indiana


The Richard and Nancy Inskeep Fund
To provide support to Montgomery County elementary public schools to benefit elementary school age children

The John and Ruth Isaacs Family Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship for Montgomery County students

The Orval and Mildred Propst James Fund
To provide support to the Children's services at the Crawfordsville District Public Library and the Montgomery County Habitat for Humanity

Max W. Johnson Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County, Indiana, students in the Purdue University School of Agriculture

Max W. Johnson Fund, to honor Mary Francis "Fran" Johnson
Unrestricted fund to benefit the residents of the Montgomery County community

The Van Johnson Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduates of Southmont High School

The Martin and Areta Siamas Kaitson Fund
To provide support to the Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau

The Brian and Cheryl Keim Family Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Jessica Keller Fund
For the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association to benefit Riley Hospital patients preferably from Montgomery County

The Aaron Kesler Future Firefighters Fund
To provide support to Southmont Schools to benefit the Fire and Rescue CTE Program

The Kiwanis Club Fund
A donor advised fund to benefit Montgomery County

The Kiwanis Club Pat Cline Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students

The Cory Knecht Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students

The Payton Kobel Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduates of North Montgomery High School

The Lester B. Sommer Landscape Fund
To provide Lester B. Sommer Elementary School and Wabash College with funds to plant flowering plants, shrubs, and replacement trees

The Richard (Beck) and Elsie M. Lane Fund
To provide support to the Coal Creek Fire and Rescue for the New Richmond Fire Department to be used for training, equipment and building maintenance and operations

The Harold and Doris Larsen Fund
To benefit the speech and hearing impaired of Montgomery County

The Grace Divine Law and Trust Fund
To benefit the Montgomery Adult Guardianship Services

The Lincoln Legacy Foundation Fund, Inc.
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Dr. Byron N. and Vera Spencer Lingeman Fund
To benefit those who need medical help through Christian Nursing Service

The Longview Tree and Greenspace Fund
To fund the creation and preservation of attractive urban forestry and green spaces within the city of Crawfordsville

The Drs. Paul and Mary Ludwig Fund
To indigent families of Montgomery County needing medical assistance

The Mace Veteran's Memorial Fund
To provide support to Mace Cemetery Association to help defray the costs of repair and upkeep on the monuments of veterans

The Mag & Lil Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Joseph and L. Ann Malott Fund
A donor advised fund to benefit Montgomery County

The Hubert and Martha Massing Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Jim and Kim McBee Family Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to students of North Montgomery High School

The Jeff McClaskey Student Athlete Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students who have participated in at least two sports in high school

The Mike McCord Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship to students from Crawfordsville and North Montgomery high schools

The Mike and Sheila McCormick Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Amy McFerran Unrestricted Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Paul and Irmingard McKinney Fund
To provide support for Montgomery County nonprofit organizations serving in the areas of Arts, Education and Senior Care

The Steve and Diane McLaughlin Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Tom and Cynda Mellish Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Connie Meek Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship to students from Crawfordsville High School pursuing a degree in music

The Ron Melvin Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide funding for scholarships to Crawfordsville High School students or Montgomery County home schooled students

The Phil and Judy Michal Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Mike and Rhonda Mitchell Family Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Montgomery County 4-H, Inc Fund
To benefit Montgomery County 4H, INC. in its services to the 4-H Youth of Montgomery County

The Montgomery County Community Foundation Building Maintenance Fund
To provide support to maintain the office building of the Montgomery County Community Foundation

The Montgomery County Community Foundation Operating Fund
To provide support for the operating of the Montgomery County Community Foundation

The Montgomery County Community Foundation Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students in memory of loved ones and friends

The Montgomery County Free Clinic Fund
To provide support for the Montgomery County Free Clinic

The Montgomery County Physicians Fund
Unrestricted fund to for the benefit of the Montgomery County community. The fund was established and funded by Montgomery County Physicians

The Montgomery County Retired Teachers Fund
A donor advised fund to benefit Montgomery County

The Montgomery United Fund For You Fund
To provide support to United Way in Montgomery County

The James Moore Animal Welfare League Fund
To provide support to the Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County

The Greg and Nancy Morrison Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Herbert and Genevieve Morrison Memorial Fund 
To provide support to the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church

The Herbert, Genevieve and Marian Morrison Fund
To benefit the Boys and Girls Club, the Crawfordsville District Public Library, and Arts and Culture in Montgomery County

The Marian J. Morrison Crawfordsville District Public Library Fund
To provide support to the Crawfordsville District Public Library, to be used for children and/or the visually handicapped

The Marian J. Morrison Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church Fund
To benefit Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church

The Bradley and Suzanne Deur Mullendore Fund
To provide durable medical equipment or other such equipment that will assist an individual in managing neurological injury, disease or impairment

The Muttgomery Pet Paws Fund
To provide support to the Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County


The New Richmond Community Fund
To provide support to the town of New Richmond

The Wade Nixon Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Thelma Biddle Nolte Scholarship Fund
To provide funds for scholarship to North Montgomery, South Montgomery and Crawfordsville High schools

The North Montgomery Education Fund
To provide support to North Montgomery School Corporation

The Nourish Endowment Fund
To provide support to the Nourish Backpack food program for children

The Nucor Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Morris and Barbara Odle Family Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Gloria and Marvin Oliver Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Myron and Patsy Pattison Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for county students for the sophomore year in college

The James C. Patton Instrumental Music Scholarship
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County students pursuing a degree in instrumental music

The Michael L. and Karen A. Patton Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The James G. and Patti J. Pearson Scholarship Fund
To provide funding for scholarships to graduates of Southmont High School Students pursuing a college degree in elementary education

The Gail Moll Pebworth Fund
To provide funding to support the Sugar Creek Swim Club

The Dale and Linda Petrie Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Cole Petty Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduates of Southmont High School

The Plant Family Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Marty Pool Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Ford Purdue Penn Trust Fund
To benefit Montgomery United Fund

The Prudence Kimball Phillips Fund
To provide an award to an outstanding Chemistry student at Crawfordsville High School

The A.F. Ramsey Trust Fund
To provide care for the poor of Crawfordsville

The Ted and Betty Ratcliff Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for North Montgomery high school students

The Torey and Bethany Rauch Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Ernest and Diana Rhoads Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for Montgomery County high school students who demonstrate financial need and attending a two-year public or private institution of higher learning, such as Ivy Tech.

The Charles M. and Clella A King Fund for Rice Cemetery
To provide funding for the care and maintenance of Rice Cemetery

The Jack and Dene Roberts Montgomery County Remedial Reading Fund
To promote competency in reading for elementary school children

The Amy C. Robinson Trust Fund
To benefit the mentally handicapped children of Montgomery County

The Joe Robinson Trust Scholarship Fund
To assist an outstanding youth of color to continue graduate work in medicine or theology. Preference given to graduates of Wabash College or to Montgomery County, Indiana college graduates of other colleges or universities

The William and Amy Roth Fund
Unrestricted funds to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Anita Rupar Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Alan and Caroline Rush Community Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Wayne Rush Scholarship Fund
o provide scholarships for North Montgomery students attending Purdue University

The St. Gonzaga Catholic Youth Fund
To provide support for the youth of St. Bernard Catholic Church to attend Christian camps and conferences.

The Carrie Boswell Saunders Scholarship Fund

The Coach Rick and Deb Schavietello Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Faye O. and Anna Winter Schenck Fund
To benefit Montgomery County Citizens needing medical services

The Schoen Family Fund
To benefit Darlington Forever, Inc. which benefits the town of Darlington

The Florence Schultz Trust Fund
To benefit non-specific charitable, religious, and educational entities in and around the city of Crawfordsville

The Clark and Nancy Sennett Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Florence and Lee Servies Scholarship Trust Fund
To provide scholarships for graduates of South Montgomery Community Schools pursuing college degrees in the field of teaching

The John Siamas Shop with a Cop Fund
To provide support to the City of Crawfordsville to benefit the Shop with a Cop Program

The Virginia and John Sinclair Fund
Provides general support for the Montgomery County Community Foundation

The James G. and Susan Smith Fund
To provide seed capital to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Montgomery County

The Joseph D. Smith Trust Fund
To benefit those with medical needs in Montgomery County

The Joseph and Clara Smith Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to Montgomery County high school graduates who demonstrate good character and excellent citizenship

The Solar Power to the People (in nonprofits, churches and other groups) Fund
To provide support to nonprofits in the areas of clean energy practices, primarily encouraging converting nonprofit organizations' buildings to solar energy

The Southmont Education Fund
To provide support to South Montgomery School Corporation

The Amber Powers Sparks Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to Montgomery county students

The Wilma S. and George M. Spencer Presbyterian Fund
To provide support to educational programs at Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church

The Kathleen J. Steele Park Fund
To provide support to the City of Crawfordsville to maintain the Kathleen J. Steele Park on West Main Street, Crawfordsville.

The Kathleen and John Steele Fund for Crawfordsville Community Schools
To benefit the Crawfordsville Community Schools, Inc.

The Kathy and John Steele Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Fred D. and Anna Faye Stevenson Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for a North Montgomery High School senior golf team member, a Montgomery County senior attending the First Christian Church of Crawfordsville and a Montgomery County Senior attending the First Baptist Church of Crawfordsville, Indiana

The Stewart-Sweek Family Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Debra Kay Stonebraker Memorial Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship for a North Montgomery High School senior from a single parent family

The Bob and Nancy Stwalley Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
To benefit a variety of nonprofit agencies in Montgomery County

The Sugar Creek Players Fund
To benefit the Vanity Theater

The Sunshine Vans Fund
To provide support for the City of Crawfordsville Parks and Recreation Department, specifically for the Sunshine Vans

The Louis and Norma Swenke Fund
To provide support to the Crawfordsville K-9 program

The Louis and Norma Swenke Scholarship Fund
To provide support for a sophomore criminology student

The Sheri Switzer Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for a North Montgomery High School senior


The Bob J. Tandy Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship for a Southmont High School senior pursuing a college degrees in the field of education

The Max K. Tannenbaum Trust Fund
To benefit the Montgomery County Historical Society and the Montgomery County Cultural Foundation. A portion of the fund is unrestricted to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Harold B. Taylor Memorial Fund
To provide support to Montgomery County 4-H, Inc. to benefit Montgomery County 4-H youth

The John T. Taylor Charitable Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Karl B. Taylor Mental Health Fund
To provide support for mental health needs in Montgomery County

The Clyde Thomas Trust Fund
To provide cemetery arrangements for the graves of the Thomas family

The Bobbye and Claude Thompson Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Dr. Claude Thompson Fund
To provide support for the Montgomery County Free Clinic

The John and Sandy Tidd Fund in memory of Ernest and Anna Tidd and Joan and John Spray
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Beverley J. Turner Fund in memory of John C. White
Unrestricted fund to benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Martha Fudge Vance Trust Scholarship Fund
To provide an award to a Crawfordsville High School graduating senior for outstanding work in English composition

The Jerry and Dorothy Servies Vaughn Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Southmont High School

The General Lew Wallace Study & Museum Fund
To provide support for the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum

The Homer C. Warren Family Trust Scholarship Fund
To provide two (2) renewable four-year scholarships each year to students from North Montgomery High School

The Tom Warren Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Waveland Fund
To benefit the town of Waveland

The Don and Emma Lou Weliever Fund
To provide support for Darlington Forever, Inc. which benefits the town of Darlington

The David Wells Scholarship Fund
To provide a scholarship to a qualified senior science student at Crawfordsville High School

The Robert and Mary C. Wernle Fund
To benefit the Historical Society

The Libby Whitecotton Fund
To assist Montgomery County families who have handicapped children

The Mary Alice Davenport Williams Scholarship Fund in loving memory by her children Joanne, Jeanne, Ruth Ann and Thomas
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Southmont High School pursuing a music related field

The Mary Alice Davenport Williams Fund in loving memory by her children and grandchildren
To benefit the Southmont High School choir programs

The Leonard and Louise Winchell Fund
Unrestricted fund to benefit the Montgomery County community

The Wingate Community Fund
To benefit the town of Wingate

The Women of Wisdom Fund, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: honoring Rev. Chris Hotopp-Zachary, Mary Vi Leaming RN and Meda Lorton
To provide support for Montgomery County nonprofit organizations serving in the areas of human services, including children with disabilities and other youth, less fortunate citizens, and animal welfare

The Women's Legacy Fund
To provide support for non-profit agencies that provide services to women and children of Montgomery County

The Women's Resource Center Fund by the Christian Union Ladies Aid
To benefit the Women's Resource Center

The Frances Wooden Park Fund
To provide support to the City of Crawfordsville to maintain the Frances Wooden Park located on West North Street, Crawfordsville, Indiana

The Damon C. and Bernice Seaman Wray Fund by Becky and Bill Degitz
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Roland Brooks and Helen Johnson Wynne Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

The Youth Are Our Future Fund
To provide support for youth focused organizations and programs serving the youth of Montgomery County

The Youth Service Bureau Fund
To provide support to the Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau

The Jarrod and Crystal Zachary Fund
Unrestricted fund for the benefit of the Montgomery County community

Pathway Plans

In 2001, the Montgomery County Community Foundation established a new way for community members to create a named fund. A Pathway Plan is a planned giving agreement that allows you to build a named fund over five years. In the past, an upfront minimum gift of $5,000 ($10,000 for a scholarship fund) was required to establish a fund. With the Pathway Plan, you now can establish the fund immediately with less than $5,000 and add to it over five years.

  • Russell Freeman Pathway Plan
  • Pearl Livingston Pathway Plan
  • Montgomery County Hearing Aid Assistance Pathway Plan
  • Michael F. Moss Memorial Scholarship Pathway Plan
  • Mullendore Scholarship Pathway Plan
  • Drew Neal Memorial Pathway Plan
  • Rhoads Family Scholarship Pathway Plan
Pass-Through Funds

Pass-through funds are established for specific community needs and are expended over time when projects are completed. Please contact MCCF for more information about Pass-Through Funds.

  • AWL Shelter Capital Pass-Through Fund
  • Camp Milligan Pass-Through Fund
  • Childcare Coalition Pass-Through Fund
  • Childcare Provider Assistance Co-op Pass-Through Fund
  • Robert and Mary Cooley Pass-Through Fund
  • Darlington Community Center Pass-Through Fund
  • Disaster Assistance Pass-Through Fund
  • Duke Energy Pass-Through Fund
  • Early Learning Center Pass-Through Fund
  • Hoosier Heartland State Bank Scholarship Pass-Through Fund
  • Spencer Lough Pass-Through Fund
  • Marie Canine Plaza Fountain Pass-Through Fund
  • Masonic Temple Pass-Through Fund
  • Montgomery County Drug Court Pass Through-Fund
  • Montgomery County Family Recovery Court Pass Through Fund
  • Montgomery United Police Canine Assoc. Pass Through Fund
  • Town of New Richmond Pass-Through Fund
  • Veterans Treatment Court Pass-Through Fund
  • WHIN Pass-Through Fund
  • Wingate Trails Pass-Through Fund

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