Community Insights Session 2 Recap: The (Human) Resources Perspective


The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County and MCCF recently partnered to begin Community Insights, a three part series focused on the Montgomery County workforce. The series began on April 9 with a general overview of employment in Montgomery County.

Session two focused on the human resources perspective. A panel of local employers were invited to talk about the strengths and unique characteristics of our workforce, as well as the challenges they face and how they are addressing them. Panel members were Trey Etcheson from Hoosier Heartland State Bank, Lori Holt from Pace Dairy, Kim Keeling from LSC Communications, and Diana Tran from Home Depot. You can read a full summary of the session here.

The series will conclude on Tuesday, April 23 with "The Workforce: Getting Schooled." We invite the community to come hear from local educators about what they are doing to help prepare our students for the workforce. The session will take place on the 4th floor of Fusion 54 (101 W. Main Street, Crawfordsville) from 5:15- 6:45 p.m.